Workshops, Mad Hatter Cakes & Cherry Ripes

Well I spent all of yesterday evening putting the schedule for the first half of the year together on my business website and today I am trying to put the finishing touches on that and catch up on my blog as well.

What a pain it is to get your head around using all these programs, cause I ain't no website design does my head in.

But it is all done now, I shall probably tweak it over the next few weeks, so feel free to provide me with some feedback if you think I missed something.

I also baked a cherry ripe mud cake last night.  It was supposed to be to practice carving a mad hatter tier.  But the cake didn't rise enough.....I had misread the recipe.

I thought the amount was for a 9 inch square cake tin......not so.....It was for a 9 inch round, so I didn't get the height I wanted.  So instead Tim and I are going to create a cherry blossom cake - which I am giving as a present to my friend Krystal for her birthday.

I also used Satin Ice for my fondant for the first time.  It was great, it didn't dry out anywhere near as fast as the Bakels.  Plus there is the added bonus that you can put this fondant in the fridge. 

We had a slice with the coffee this evening and the Cherry Ripe flavour is quite delish.  I will definately add this as a flavour to my list.  yummy

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